New 2024 Employees Discover Roland DG Business Activities Through Hands-On Training
04/25/2024 Corporate Activities, Digital Printing
New employees deepened their understanding of the company’s structure and operations during a training period held in April which involved a two-day practical training focused on the Digital Printing and DGSHAPE businesses.
Two-day business training
On the first day, we conducted a training session on the Digital Printing business, focusing mainly on inkjet printers. In lectures, development field representatives served as instructors, explaining the roles, structure, and tasks of the departments. They also showcased products and introduced specific examples of work activities while considering areas for improvement. The lecture content was designed to help new employees envision how to approach their work after being assigned and they listened attentively.
Displaying samples and products: BY-20 DTF (Direct To Film) printer and BD-8 UV printer
New employees earnestly listening to lectures.
Following lectures, a product experience session allowed employees to deepen their knowledge through hands-on use. Similar to last year, second-year employees planned and facilitated the experience session. While divided into three groups, new employees rotated between the BD-8 compact UV flatbed printer, BY-20 DTF printer, and MO-240 benchtop UV flatbed printer. Senior employees assisted with machine operations and provided friendly tips and guidance on key points. The sessions progressed in a relaxed atmosphere supplemented by casual conversation. By selecting favorite photos and illustrations for using the products, they gained a deeper understanding of how printing works.
Explanation of the special film used for the BY-20 DTF printer
Transferring designs to tote bags from special film
New employees learning how to use software to operate the devices
New employees operating the MO-240 UV flatbed printer

Completed creative work
The following day focused on training for DGSHAPE business, primarily focusing on the dental and 3D fabrication markets.
New employees experienced creating one-of-a-kind items like personalized business card holders, cutlery, and small cases using laser decorators and photo impact printers. After receiving product instruction, they installed the included software and operated the products, expressing their own ideas with advice from senior staff. Experiencing the joy of creation allowed them to empathize with customers who use our products daily.
Preparing a leather business card holder on a laser decorator
Creating a design for foil decoration
New employees learning key points of operation
Imprinting cutlery with a photo impact printer
Demonstration of the MDX-50 3D milling machine
Transferring a design to a business card holder with a laser foil transfer machine

With senior employees who planed and facilitated the training experience
Passing on the product experience session
For next year, this year’s new employees are planning to organize the product experience sessions. New employees began to feel excited about their work through the joy of creation. The session made it easier for new employees to ask questions of seniors and fostered deeper interaction between senior and junior employees. The two days provided a good opportunity for new employees to relax and become familiar with the company.
The second-year employees who planned and operated the product experience session deepened their knowledge of products and their bonds with their fellow staff members. Through teaching, both new and senior employees will continue to grow their knowledge and skills in the future.
Click here for the highlights of this year’s new employee orientation ceremony