Roland DG’s Service Engineers (also called "SEs") strive to improve their ability to provide high-quality, standardized maintenance and repair services in order to ensure that customers from all over the world can use Roland DG products with peace of mind. The goal of the Global SE Awards is to motivate SEs to take pride in their work and to improve the level of Roland DG Care activities through a series of competitions where SEs compete using the knowledge and skills they have cultivated in their daily work.
Continuing in the tradition of the first Global SE Awards held in 2013, the second world competition was of a larger scale, with regional competitions held in 15 locations. A total of 440 Certified Service Engineers from 50 countries and regions participated in the local competitions. The winners of the regional competitions were then brought together for the final contest held in Japan to compete for the title of World Champion.
The final global competition, held in Hamamatsu, Japan, featured an elite group of 21 finalists.
They competed in three challenges to demonstrate their superior abilities as Service Engineers.
The contestants were required to use all of the experience and knowledge
they had mastered under considerable pressure.
SEs were able to enhance their skills by sharing their expertise with SEs from other regions.
Using the additional knowledge and skills they obtained at the 2015 Global SE Awards,
it is expected that contest participants will contribute greatly to the further improvement of
Roland DG Care service quality as leaders in their respective regions.
Mission 1
Hands-on exam (foundation)Print head replacement
Time limit: 30 minutes
The first challenge consisted of replacing inkjet heads in the wide format inkjet printers, which is a basic form of maintenance service work. Exams emphasized not only the accuracy of work and quality of performance, but also the care and thoroughness displayed in the handling of machines and parts, based on the notion that the products belong to customers. In addition to demonstrating their individual skills, contestants also learned by observing the efforts of other SEs.
Mission 2
Hands-on exam (application)Printer troubleshooting
Time limit: 30 minutes
This part of the competition challenged contestants’ ability to quickly identify and resolve problems in order to restore broken printers to their normal, fully operational state. The test included problems that could not be solved simply by using their own knowledge or experience in order to test their powers of imagination and discernment to logically analyze problem causes.
Mission 3
Written examTime limit: 15 minutes x 8 questions
There were eight written exam questions covering the comprehensive knowledge required in providing excellent customer service. Questions covered not only knowledge of maintenance such as assessing graphics printed with inkjet printers and analyzing schematics of machine electronics, but also required extensive knowledge in order to deal with a wide variety of customer requests.
At the end of the two-day competition, an awards ceremony was held at a venue inside the Hamamatsu Hachimangu shrine. Praise was awarded to all of the contestants while the top three SEs received special commendations from Roland DG Chairman and President Masahiro Tomioka. Aside from the top three performers, other SEs who gave noteworthy performances at the competition received special awards from four regional managers in charge of the service activities in the Americas, EMEA, ASEAN and East Asia regions.
Americas Service Organizer Mr. Ron Ball AwardsMr. David Edgecome (From South Africa)Experience as a Roland DG technician: 9 years | Representing Keymark Media (Pty) Ltd.
EMEA Service Organizer Mr. Michael Moller AwardsMr. Osami Taki (From Japan)Experience as a Roland DG technician: 2 years | Representing Vertec Co. Ltd.
ASEAN Service Organizer Mr. Gino Farina AwardsMr. Philip Livesey (From the United Kingdom)Experience as a Roland DG technician: 9 years | Representing Roland DG (U.K.) Ltd.
East Asia Service Organizer Mr. Akiyoshi Sunako AwardsMr. Peter Evans (From Australia)Experience as a Roland DG technician: 18 months following 20 years of previous experience | Representing Roland DG Australia Pty. Ltd.
Roland DG offers a certification program for its service engineers in order to provide uniform high-quality service to our customers worldwide. SEs are instructed in how Roland DG products are built and receive in-depth training on how to carry out product installation, make repairs, conduct inspections and maintenance. Only after passing practical and written exams proving that they possess appropriate knowledge and skills can trainees be approved as certified SEs.
Listed here are the 21 finalists participating in the global competition who qualified
by winning local competitions held in 15 countries and regions all over the world.
Listed here are the Roland DG service engineers who qualified in local SE competitions to compete for the international championship.
In order to improve the quality of maintenance services and customer satisfaction, we held a competition to evaluate the Japanese service engineers' skills in their daily work throughout the year. Seven regional representatives were selected based on their knowledge and skills to compete for the local championship title. They addressed various challenges that tested their knowledge, skills and customer support competence required to solve customers' problems accurately and logically.
Two representatives from Japan who showed excellent performance at each challenge were chosen to participate in the global competition. All participants learned how to raise their skills from interactions with other competitors during the competition.
We held a competition to evaluate the skills and knowledge of service engineers cultivated in their daily work. Six SEs from Roland DG (U.K.) Ltd. and our service agencies in the U.K. competed to become champion and represent the U.K. at the global competition later this year. Roland DG provided standardized challenges for practical and written exams to ensure uniform judging of local competitions worldwide. The competition was universally very well received, however everyone who took the exams found them challenging.
We feel that our U.K. champion exhibits very good all-round knowledge and we are very much looking forward to having him compete with his counterparts from around the world.
We've been very impressed by broad level of knowledge and skills demonstrated by the participating SE's. Yet, with all their immense knowledge, they felt that the oral and written exam was quite difficult to complete. All of them did their best, however, in order to get a chance to challenge the other SEs from around the world at the global competition in Japan.
The competition went well as participants were prepared with detailed information about the competition prior to attending. The participants enjoyed the experience, and they had the opportunity to learn more about their skill levels throughout the competition. Overall, they found the practical component more enjoyable than the theoretical one.
We hosted the competition in order to guide and motivate service engineers on how to provide the best care and service performance for Roland DG machines. We would like to continue to maintain the highest quality support for our enterprise customers. The winner gained the right to challenge their fellow service engineers at the global competition in Japan. All service engineers competed to evaluate their extensive skills and knowledge of maintenance services. They shared their experience with other competitors and praised the event very much. This event also offered them a great opportunity to assess their own knowledge and skill level. They recognized that they may have to improve on several points, such as experience and hospitality as a service engineer.
The top ten SEs from the certification test held at the beginning of the year participated in the competition. It was a great opportunity for participants to share experiences with each other. All the participants have been training and working with Roland DG for many years and they demonstrated abundant professionalism and technical skills during the competition.
The local competition was a success with all 12 Service Engineer finalists challenged beyond what they expected. There was a wide variety of tests and timelines were very tight with down time limited to scheduled breaks. While SE's remained busy throughout the 2 days, they all enjoyed the format and learned many new things during the exams. Each of the SEs was honored to be invited and participate in the event.
We expect our SEs to become better at maintenance service every time we test them. Throughout the years therefore, we have raised the level of difficulty of our exams. This year's contest was especially challenging in order to select the best representative from the best. Each of the participants really strived to get a good score. The competition made them even more enthusiastic and eager to win.
Two years ago, our representatives were awarded first and third positions in the global competition. It will be very hard for our representatives to improve on our earlier performance, but we expect them to do their best.
It was our first experience in hosting the SE competition in Korea and our participants were not as familiar with this type of test. However, all of them dedicated themselves to winning the competition.
The main objective of the event was to inform them of the importance of providing expert customer service by studying the service manuals, in addition to relying on their field experience and know-how. Our Korean champion is highly skilled to handle any problem and we're confident he will accomplish good results in the global competition.
We held competitions to evaluate the skills and knowledge of SEs from Northern Europe and Russia. Since there were new SEs with little experience and older SEs with a great deal of experience and knowledge, they were inspired to learn from each other. All of the participants thought the competition was exciting, challenging and instructive.
Even though our local SEs had to overcome language barriers with some challenges, they were well supported by the local manager and the competition ran smoothly. All attendees enjoyed the experience and valued the feedback they received during the process.
The general knowledge level of the SEs from the Balkan countries was very impressive. Despite their intense preparation, the written and oral exams proved to be very challenging for all the participants. Each SE tried to do their best to win the local competition for the opportunity to compare their experience and skills with the other winners worldwide.
Although they recognized the need for greater standardized techniques and procedures, participants' performance level was much higher than expected. Their first priority was learning the maximum from the competition. Comments included: "A very good learning activity. I hope they can organize the competition frequently." "The competition helped me to know my shortcomings. I recognized that I had some things to learn in the maintenance area in order to provide the best service to our customers. I will now follow the procedures that I learned."
The SEs from the UAE and Egypt area competed to go to the world championship. All of the participants were very motivated resulting in a very high level of competition. The participants enjoyed communicating with engineers from other areas and comparing the level of their own skills. Our winner solved the questions logically and his performance was excellent. His experience and knowledge should lead to a good result in the world final.
The participants were the cream of the crop, so all were very active and applied themselves to the challenge. They all enjoyed the exams very much. Some of them naturally stepped into a leadership role while they shared their knowledge with each other. We were surprised at how well they did at the competition. We also recognized that our teaching methods can be improved to get the most out of their ability.
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